مبروك تونس لبنان الإمارات و السعودية الدفع عبر western union

مبروك الإمارات تونس لبنان و السعودية تم إضافة الدفع عبر western union

الخبر من من مدونة قوقل أدسنس

Good news! We’ve expanded Western Union Quick Cash as an AdSense payment method to 10 new countries: Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Iceland, United Arab Emirates, Latvia, Lebanon, Slovenia, Tunisia, Moldova and Malta. If you live in any of these locations, you can now sign up to receive your AdSense payments from your local Western Union agent. With Western Union, you’ll receive your earnings sooner, since you won't have to wait for checks to arrive in the mail or clear at the bank. Plus, AdSense won't charge you a fee to use this payment method.

More countries go Western Union


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